Individual Differences in Cognition and Motivation in Reading
Within this strand, we study cognitive, language, and motivation variables that relate to reading comprehension in diverse language learners. In the United States, diverse language learners include students who speak at least one language other than English at home. We are interested in how cognitive variables – including working memory, cognitive flexibility, or text-based questioning – and motivation variables such as optimal choice and autonomy support, impact students’ learning and reading comprehension.
Taboada Barber, A. (PI), Cartwright, K. & Stapleton, L. (Co-PIs) (2016-2020). Cognitive and Motivational Contributors to Reading Comprehension in English Learners (ELs) and English Monolinguals (EMs): Different or Similar Growth Patterns. English Learners Research Grants Competition, Institute of Education Sciences
Taboada Barber, A., Meneses, A.A., & Montenegro, M.M. (2018-2019). Language and Literacy in Science: Toward Reducing Learning Gaps. University of Maryland – Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Santiago, Chile- Seed Grant Proposal. Borderless Research Administration Knowledge Exchange (BRAKE) Program. Division of Research, Office of the Provost, UMD and Pontificia Universidad Catolica
Edwards, J., (PI) & Taboada Barber, A., Harring, J., Silverman, R., (Co-PIs) (2017- 2021). A randomized control trial of Toggle Talk. Reading & Writing Grants Competition, Institute of Education Sciences
Select Publications
Book chapter:
Taboada Barber, A., Cartwright, K. B., & Klauda, S. L. (2020). Interplay of strategic processes, executive functions, and autonomy support in students with individual differences. In D. L. Dinsmore, L. K. Fryer, & M. M. Parkinson (Eds.), Handbook of strategies and strategic processing: Conceptualization, intervention, measurement, and analysis (pp. 216-233). Routledge.
Journal Articles:
Taboada Barber, A., Vizcaya-Jofré, F., & Klauda, S. L. (in press). La importancia de la Teoría de la Mente en la comprensión oral y comprensión lectora en estudiantes bilingües emergentes [The importance of theory of mind in oral comprehension and reading cmprehension in emergent bilingual students]. Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Latinoamericana, 58(2).
Taboada Barber, A., Klauda, S. L., & Wang, W. (2021). Reading anxiety, engagement, and achievement: A comparison of emergent bilinguals and English monolinguals in the elementary grades. Reading Research Quarterly. Advance online publication.
Taboada Barber, A., Cartwright, K. B., Hancock, G. R., & Klauda, S. L. (2021). Beyond the Simple View of Reading: The role of executive function in emergent bilinguals’ and English monolinguals’ reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly [Special Issue: The Science of Reading]. Advance online publication.
Taboada Barber, A., Klauda, S. L., Wang, W., Cartwright, K. B., & Cutting, L. E. (2020). Emergent bilinguals with specific reading comprehension deficits: A comparative and longitudinal analysis. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Advance online publication. https://10.1177/0022219420983247
Klauda, S. L., Taboada Barber A., & McAllen, E. B. (2020). Reading motivation in Spanish- speaking Dual Language Learners: Comparing two types of student report. Reading Psychology, 41(6), 605-630.
Taboada Barber, A., Cartwright, K. B., Stapleton, L., Klauda, S. L., Archer, C., & Smith, P. (2020). Direct and indirect effects of executive functions, reading engagement, and higher order strategic process in the reading comprehension of dual language learners and English monolinguals. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61. Advance online publication.
Taboada Barber, A., Buehl, M.M., & Beck. J. S. (2017). Dynamics of engagement and disaffection in a social studies classroom context. Psychology in the Schools, 54(7), 736-755.
Taboada, A., Townsend, D., & Boynton, M.J. (2013). Mediating effects of reading engagement on the reading comprehension of early adolescent English language learners. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 29(4), 309-332.
Taboada, A., Tonks, S. M., Wigfield, A., & Guthrie, J. T. (2009). Effects of motivational and cognitive variables on reading comprehension. Reading and Writing, 22(1), 85-106.
Taboada, A. (2006). La generación de preguntas y la comprensión lectora [Question generation and reading comprehension]. Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura, International Reading Association, 27(4), 18-28.